Friday, October 1, 2010

Pierce Leslie Bungalow in Kochi

Pierce Leslie Bungalow in Kochi is one of the major tourist attractions of Kochi. It is built in 1862. The nineteenth century Pierce Leslie Bungalow is an ancient colonial mansion. The Pierce Leslie Bunglow was once the office of Pierce Leslie & Co., the famous coffee merchants. The main attractions of Pierce Leslie Bungalow include the wood paneled roof of the ground floor, arched doorways, carved doors and sprawling rooms. The Pierce Leslie Bungalow in Kochi is a beautiful mansion with a long water front veranda. Pierce Leslie Bungalow is loacted near Fort kochi, 13 km from Ernakulam. You can reach here by cab and it is about 2 km from Main Boat Jetty at Ernakulam.

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