Friday, November 5, 2010

Kerala the God’s Own Country

Kerala is a small strip of land stretches from Kanyakumari to Kasargodu. This strip of land has many unique goodies. So the tourists all over the world gather to this place. Some of them visit Kerala every year and a few even like to stay here forever. The narrow strip of land between Arabian Sea and the Western Ghats offer variety of land forms. The coastal land, Hilly land and the land in between these two regions form a third category.Kerala

Kerala is famous for its trades with Europeans in the 19th century and before. The spices like cardamom, pepper, ginger etc where traded and taken to various European countries. This give way to colonial encroaches and fights that last up to the middle of the 20th century. The education in this state is largely influenced by European missionaries. The health care standards and education level in this state is well near to the developed country standards.

Today Kerala is a fast developing business hub in South Asia. People from Kerala are working all over the world. Multi National Companies looking for quality workforce start their recruiting process from Kerala. Plenty of educational institutions, professional colleges and technical institutes produce quality work force. Especially in nursing and engineering sectors people from Kerala have their recognition all over the world.

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