Monday, September 27, 2010

Changampuzha park and Changampuzha Samskarika Kendram

You cannot avoid Changampuzha park and Changampuzha Samskarika Kendram if you visit Kochi. Changampuzha park and Changampuzha Samskarika Kendram are built to commemorate Changampuzha Krishna Pillai and Edappally. .K Balachanmdarn, Changampuzha Krishna Pillai and Edappally. .K Balachanmdarn, host several cultural funtions and houses several social gatherings like Edappally Kathakali Aswathana Sadaus, Sangeetha Sabha,Elder's forum,Aksharasloks Sadus etc. Most of the veteran social workers and intellactuals are gathering here to witness cultural programs and share their openions. The Changampuzha park is popular hangout for kids in this area, they love to play here and to be the part of a legendary culture.

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